I wanted to create some reports based on SQL server running on SBS 2008. The SSRS reporting services had been setup once before to run under Sharepoint, but this had never been used before, so I tried to get rid of this, but wound up with a reporting services site that kept using https to connectn, it was not obvious to users (to me neither). When browsing to the pages they had to enter their windows account name and password, sometimes 2x. Finally I got rid of it by fixing 2 things: 1. in Reporting Services Configuration Manager - connect to the server - under 'Web Service url' - Web service certificate - click on the 'Advanced...' button. - under 'Multiple SSL identities' - remove the identities 2. Edit rsreportserver.config - in the 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.
\Reporting Services\ReportServer' folder - edit the rsreportserver.config file - change the key SecureConnectionLevel to 0 - stop and start the reporting service with the configuration manager That gave the sbs windows users immediate access to the reports in the reportserver.